It was a shock to me to hear the news on a dreary Monday morning, One of my heroes Jon Lord the man who made the organ sound cool in hard rock had passed away on this day. I began my work with the band in 1997 with the album ABANDON and have worked on every one of their studio albums since. The conduit to the band was Roger Glover whom I worked closely with creatively. During the work I was like a teenage fan listening to the stories and escapades he told me of the band.

I was in awe when I met Jon Lord, a class act, a gifted musician and a real gentleman. Having lost both my Mom and Uncle to pancreatic cancer, I can only imagine how hard this must have been for him and his family. My heart goes out to all of his loved ones, friends and associates

R.I.P. Jon, you will never be forgotten, Highway Star and Space Trucking will never sound the same again.